In 2004, the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan announced a competition for the creation of textbooks and teaching AIDS for vocational schools. Teachers of the College presented the projects of three books, which became the winners of the competition.
In 2008 published in the printing house “Foliant” in Astana textbooks, tested in other educational institutions, currently operate in secondary education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
President N. On behalf of President Nursultan Nazarbayev, the development of cotton and textile cluster has been started in South Kazakhstan region.
In the course of a comprehensive study of cotton production, the need for the formation of a cotton-textile cluster, first of all, the training of specialists for the production of cotton was determined. This year the staff of the College started to work.
For the first time in the Republic developed and approved by the Ministry of education and science of Kazakhstan draft state educational standards for the training of technicians in the field of “primary processing of fibrous materials”, “technology of spinning production”.
These specialties were not previously in Kazakhstan, so the Ministry of education and science of Kazakhstan, taking into account the experience of the College staff, instructed the Makhtaaral College to write standard curricula, teaching AIDS for these specialties.
In the “National center for the development of technical and vocational education and qualification” MES registered educational and methodical Association of the Mahtaral College on the profile “technology of goods and products of wide application.”
Due to the high level of groundwater in the Mahtaaral region, salinization and salinization of soils are observed.
In coordination with the Kazakh research Institute of cotton, students of the College under the guidance of scientists of the Institute undergo practice, study soil fertility, master intensive cultivation of agricultural crops, the use of technologies in production, the effective use of crop rotations, care for crops.
Under the leadership of the main specialists of the Institute, College students have produced devices for desalting soils through electricity and took 2nd place in the competition of scientific projects and works of students of colleges in the Agricultural industry.
To achieve the training of future specialists in accordance with world-class standards, of course, it is necessary, first of all, to correspond to the name of the University. The basis for the development of competitiveness is the development of free thinking of the student. In order for a future personality, a qualified specialist who owns his profession, a skilled leader in any field, he needs the ability to think freely, broad-minded, rational and reasonable decision-making in difficult times. Students of the Department actively participate in various competitions, contests, contests, contests, contests, contests, contests, contests, contests, contests, contests, contests, contests, contests, contests, contests, contests, contests, contests, contests, contests, contests, contests.
President: “in the modern world, Quality education and prospects of science in Kazakhstan… ”, – words, rules, difficulties of carrying out educational practice for College, even in various, new production processes, despite deficiency of means, models, samples that is, a combination of theoretical knowledge of pupils with practice .
Special attention in the educational process is paid to the organic relationship of education and science.
As you know, there is a shortage of water in the region due to irrigated land. As a result of the introduction of drip irrigation technology, water saving and yield increased by 1.5-2 times in the laboratory of irrigation of the educational institution. In connection with the shortage of wastewater, the head of state noted that “we have decided to organize the production of fruits and vegetables using drip irrigation.”
Its purpose-a combination of the theory of students of educational institution with practice of teaching, labor training and training of specialists of hothouse business in the future. The region has created all conditions for students studying in agricultural specialties to work professionally and work with the best practices. On the territory of the College currently operates a greenhouse complex with an area of 0.26 hectares, consisting of four blocks and 2 greenhouses for the production of acres of seedlings.
In greenhouses grown plants such as tomatoes, cabbage. So, this year in the greenhouse planted the Dutch Faro-a variety of black cabbage. Now there are more than 140 thousand cabbage bushes, that is, on an area of 4 hectares. Since February 10, experts plan to bring these seedlings to production. In the course of work the graduates of schools of Akyn-Sara, koskentalo and dripped a video was shown about the life of Zhetysu state University, and also about the specialties, which offers the University.
Students of specialty 1509000 – “Ecology and nature protection” master new technologies of drip irrigation and needle irrigation. A natural feature of the Mahtaaral region due to the high level of groundwater salinization and salinization of soils. To prevent salinization and salinization of these soils, conditions have been created for the practical study by students of the horizontal and vertical Sewerage (drainage) system in the greenhouse.
Students studying in the field of ecology and nature protection are taught the latest technologies of drip irrigation and needle irrigation. The amount of water to acreage of waters is taken into account on the basis of determination of amount of leakage through the channels and rivers within a certain time. Students will be able to use their knowledge in practice. That is, it turns out the speed of the channel.
Students of the specialty 1504000 – “the farm” in practice, is studied by all agricultural activities by growing vegetables in the greenhouse.
The greenhouse is equipped with a luminescent, replacing the sun’s rays: electric lamps. Students of the specialty “power supply” in practice study lighting systems of greenhouses.
The students of the specialty “agronomy” on the theoretical and practical basis for exploring the use of new technologies of the world on the issues of creating favorable conditions for the growth of plants, increasing their productivity, improving plant breeding, restoration and improvement of soil fertility.
Students of the specialty “sewing production and modeling of clothing” to know the types and properties of materials, choose materials for clothing,
be able to make the order of production of clothes and
studies theoretical and practical bases of the organization of work of employees of crew.
Educational work in the College is carried out according to the approved plan at the beginning of the year on the basis of “standard comprehensive plan to strengthen the educational component of the learning process in all educational institutions.”
Constant attention is paid to the education of students in the spirit of patriotism, healthy lifestyles, education on the basis of national pedagogy of his people. Events organized in the College are conducted with the purpose of formation of comprehensively developed personality, owning a business, the native language, taking into account personal qualities and abilities, providing for the extension of the concept of life.
The educational work of young people is aimed at forming their sense of patriotism, high Patriotic consciousness, political and legal culture, consciousness of personal spiritual kindness.
In the programme article of the President Nursultan Nazarbayev “Bolashakka Badar: Rouhani Jair” in College held a large-scale socio-cultural activities. Through the program “Tugan Zher” is the formation of students ‘ sense of patriotism, respect for state symbols, the preservation of national traditions and customs, the development of a sense of patriotism in the educational process, in extracurricular activities.
The purpose of the event: education students respect the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, respect for the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, respect for the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, respect for the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, respect for the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, respect for the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, respect for the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, respect for the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, , the staff of the College carries out a lot of work on the education of the younger generation.
In particular, the Mahtaaral agrarian technical College is aimed at improving the education system in accordance with the needs of economic and social modernization.
I must say, smithy of the village College itpay more than a century of history.
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